How To Feel Safer In Your Body To Trust Yourself

Your ways of keeping yourself safe have gotten you to this point in life but there needs to be a new level of understanding in order to get you to the next point- -to the next level. 

The ways you’ve been keeping yourself safe may be (which you might not be aware of yet)....

  • Overthinking

  • Overwhelm

  • Distracting yourself/keeping busy

  • Fawning

  • Over explaining

You need to repattern & rewire your nervous system & brain to feel safe stepping outside of your comfort zone of the above behaviors. 

What are you holding back on doing or being?

  • Saying how you really feel in your relationships?

  • Maybe letting some relationships go?

  • Knowing you are a wonderful human being doing your best who doesn't have to explain herself.

Here’s a few things you can do right NOW!

Just accept yourself for where you are right now.

Doing this will help you BE more present, calm, grounded & help you to start trusting yourself. It takes practice.

I know you might be saying BUT I’M not happy with the present. 

Then do this… Say and/or tap if you know how, “Even though I don’t trust myself because (fill in the blank) I choose to honor how I feel or I choose to be open to practicing trusting myself, or I love & accept myself anyway(say what rings true to you).

Keep saying/tapping it until you feel calmer and have more clarity to reason with yourself. Give yourself love! As much as you can muster in this situation.

I’m radiating love to you as you read this ❤️ because I believe we are all connected energetically. 

Needing help? I’m here for you! I invite you to join us in the Empowering Community For Women Facebook group. Here I offer free weekly healing sessions, inspiration, and motivation to help you align with your authentic self and master your mindset! I hope to see you there.

And If you are looking for private 1:1 support and ready to invest in your self development then CLICK HERE to book your FREE (no obligation) 1-HR BREAKTHROUGH CLARITY CALL NOW to see if we are a fit to work together AND you’ll also get insight and clarity on how to stay in the best mindset and alignment to create your soul-aligned life & business.

Sending love,



How To Reclaim Your Self Love


4 EFT Tapping Tips