Even my pic…beginning of the day with the sunrise and no makeup.

Recently, I’ve been going through some deep inner work of my own….a rebirth/uplevel. Knowing more of my worth on a deeper level than before.  Knowing my value in my business even more.

Owning and running your own business takes grit, tenacity, and presence as well as lots of patience, self compassion and flexibility. 

I’m reorganizing how I spend my time & energy.  To be able to know when I’m frustrated that my business isn’t growing as fast as I’d like it to is really an opportunity for me to look within. 

  • Sit in stillness.

  • To reassess where I put my attention in my biz and life.

  • Come back to knowing everything is happening as it should.

My worry is only my intuition knocking really hard on my door saying….

‘Look within Meryl, you have the answers and you are doing enough’. 

I don’t always want to listen because I want more NOW, lol.

BUT, when I surrender to ‘life is happening for me’ a relief and calmness comes over me.

It’s very grounding and relaxing to my mind and body. 

I need my energy for what I love, which is guiding my clients through deep transformation and sharing as much value as I can with the world. 

So I’ve been practicing saying more NO’s to some actions in my biz & others, letting go of the shoulds and saying YES to ME.

I’ve come back to these truths…..again…

  • Life is happening for me.

  • This frustration is only temporary.

  • Everything happens for a reason. And this reason is showing me new ways of offering my business to YOU.

  • When you are looking outward too much for the answers that is a sign to look within, and listen. Meditate more, journal more and then reach out for help if you need to.


Can you relate? What’s one thing frustrating you these days that you can surrender to?

Needing support? I’m here for you! I invite you to join us in the Empowering Community For Women Facebook group. Here I offer free emotional healing & clearing sessions, inspiration, and motivation to help you align with your authentic self and master your mindset! I hope to see you there.

And If you are looking for private 1:1 support and ready to invest in your self development then CLICK HERE to book your FREE (no obligation) 1-HR BREAKTHROUGH CLARITY CALL NOW to see if we are a fit to work together AND you’ll also get insight and clarity on how to stay in the best mindset and alignment to create YOUR BEST POSSIBLE LIFE.

Sending lots of love your way,



Healing Shame!


Emotional Archeology!?!?! HUH??