Being in alignment vs out of alignment in your relationships:

What it means, why it’s important & how to know if you are in it or not. 

In alignment, you feel calm, centered & grounded mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually.  

· You are clear on who are & what you want in your relationships (or are getting clearer and are ok with where you are at the moment)

· You are following & trusting your intuition

· You feel grateful for everything — even the painful experiences

· You feel safe and secure

· You feel connected to nature and the world around you


Being in alignment means your core beliefs like your worthiness match your thoughts about what you desire in your relationships.

BUT,  if you are feeling or behaving this way about relationships….

…anxious, nervous, stressed, over giving/people pleasing, in your head overthinking, overwhelmed, indecisive, confused, blaming others… YOU ARE OUT OF ALIGNMENT.

SO WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT….if you want more supportive, joyous, fun loving relationships (or fill in your words) but you only think you are worthy of it at 50% then you will continue to feel like you are living in ‘not enough’ instead of WOW!

Believe you are worth it at 100% and act by respecting & valuing yourself 100% (which is following your intuition - which you might be ignoring) and you will receive 100% back!!

Here’s what you can do to align with what you do want:

💕Heal from your past

💕Do inner child work

💕Love yourself more

And, you can say or tap if you know how, ‘Even though I’m feeling (pick from the list above) this is just how I feel right now,  or I’m choosing to practice believing more in myself, or to be open to the possibility of working on feeling more worthy, or loving myself as I am, or practicing following my intuition, recognizing my values and honoring them. Pick one or a few that resonate with you.  

It’s a start💕

Needing support? I’m here for you! I invite you to join us in the Empowering Community For Women Facebook group. Here I offer free weekly emotional healing & clearing sessions, inspiration, and motivation to help you align with your authentic self and master your mindset! I hope to see you there.

And If you are looking for private 1:1 support and ready to invest in your self development then CLICK HERE to book your FREE (no obligation) 1-HR BREAKTHROUGH CLARITY CALL NOW to see if we are a fit to work together AND you’ll also get insight and clarity on how to stay in the best mindset and alignment to create YOUR BEST POSSIBLE LIFE.

Sending lots of love your way,



Emotions Are Your Friends!


Why tap on your Kidney Meridian