Why tap on your Kidney Meridian

In the video HERE, I share with you a tapping tip. I find this fascinating stuff!

As you may or may not know I am an accredited certified EFT practitioner and tapping is my favorite modality to not only use on myself but with my clients as well!

The under collarbone point is the end of the kidney meridian which has to do with fear and anxiety.  

Funny that it’s my fav point to tap and I do tap both sides because I like it and there are always two sides to each meridian (yin and yang). They correspond to different organs as well as emotions.

So anytime you are struggling with fear & anxiety tap on this point and take some deep breaths in your nose and exhale out your mouth.

Once you are calmer you can add words like even though I have this fear or anxiety (or both) I choose to honor how I feel or to find inner peace or trust I’ll be supported.  Use words that fit your story.

I’m here to help so just ask.

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Sending love,



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