How To Feel Anchored(Grounded) In Your Body

I just love talking about this!

This is the difference I offer my clients which gives fast and lasting results to RECLAIMING THEIR SELF TRUST & CONFIDENCE.

We do this through healing their nervous system responses to daily triggers & challenges.

What I LOVE about this work and guiding them through the healing process is that I really help them get to the core of their issues stored in their body, tissues & energy.

It's not just head & mind focused where they talk and I listen. Some of the time I don't even need to know what happened to them which is amazing because they don't get re-traumatized having to explain it.

So much less pressure.

Here's how to start to become grounded in your body so you are more present, centered, focused & calm:
🔺Create awareness when you are overthinking, nervous, have palpitations or are anxious about something.
🔺Take a pause & connect the dots of what’s going on in your outer & inner world and what you are feeling.
🔺Reason with yourself by asking....Am I in real danger? Is this true?
(your body seems to think so by it's symptoms)
🔺Breathe & tell your body...'it's ok body I'm here for you. You are safe!'

Keep repeating this practice and it will become automatic overtime 😀

If you'd like to get to know me better and experience what I have to offer you, then I invite you to join us in my Facebook group. Here I offer free weekly healing sessions, inspiration, and motivation to help you align with your authentic self and master your mindset! I hope to see you there.

Sending love,



Healing Your Mindset


Stop Self Blame!