Ancestral Healing?
I don’t know about you but I believe some of my limiting beliefs and critical voice came from my ancestors as well as my own physical life.
I can remember back to the age of 3 feeling forgotten, alone and unsupported.
These thoughts of 'I must be doing something wrong or not good enough to be supported’ were stored in my mind and body (subconscious).
These thoughts made me become a people pleaser, over giver, I didn’t prioritize myself, avoided how it made me feel and covered it up with sex, drugs and food.
I’m grateful I uncovered it and healed it because I validate myself, love myself and know my worth on a level that has brought in such magic in my life. (and truthfully there's more to go)
Because I love helping women find the root cause of why they avoid their feelings or what’s troubling them or why they hesitate in their decisions because of fear, doubt or worry I learned about Ancestral Healing.
One of my fav ways to help my clients is to use this powerful modality to help them mend their personal relationships by healing their past relatives' stress and trauma.
Even with relatives who have passed on because sometimes your current unwanted situations come from your mom, dad or grandparents and so on and so on.
And, this healing gets passed down through your DNA to your kids and so on and so on...get my drift?!?!?
It’s a beautiful process I’d love to share with you.
I’m here for you! I invite you to join us in the Empowering Community For Women Facebook group. Here I offer free emotional healing & clearing sessions, inspiration, and motivation to help you align with your authentic self and master your mindset! I hope to see you there.
If you've done lots of self development and still feel stuck in life then let’s chat about working together. Book your no obligation call by either emailing me or sending me a DM.
Sending lots of love your way,